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Curriculum Vitae

Alice Charlotte Bell

Nationality: BRITISH



I have am a practising Artist, Acting Deputy Head of the School of Creative Arts,  Senior Lecturer (FHEA) Fine Art and Senior Tutor at the University of Lincoln. Former Programme Leader, MA Fine and Digital Arts, and BA Fine Arts, De Montfort University. A recent Higher Education Manager of HE in FE,  I held responsibility for all the quality and liaison processes of seven degree (BA/BSc) and teaching training (PGCE) programmes for the University of East Anglia (UEA) and Bolton University (UOB) at Brooksby Melton College (BMC). A Grade 1 Lecturer in both Teaching and Learning and a highly skilled practitioner in Fine Art, Digital and Film Media Production. A dynamic leader and manager able to combine valuable educational and commercial management expertise within both public and private sectors. Established relationships within the educational, arts, media and communications industries. 



2022                 Aurora HE, Advance HE.

2021                 PhD Participatory Practice-Based Research, De Montfort University, Leicester.

2020                 PGCert Psychosynthesis Leadership Coaching, PGLCP, Middlesex University (EMCC Senior Practitioner)

2020                 FHEA - HE Fellow. AdvanceHE.

2013                 MA Creative Technologies, Distinction, De Montfort University, Leicester.

2011                 PGCert Drama, De Montfort University, Leicester.

2004                 Cert Ed, Sussex University, Brighton.

2003                 PGCert Therapeutic and Educational Application of the Arts, IATE, London.

1997                 BA (Hons) Fine Art, First Class Award, University College, London, UCL.

1992                 Cert HE Media Communications, Goldsmiths College, University of London.



2022-               Acting Deputy Head of School, School of Creative Arts, University of Lincoln, Lincoln.

2021-               Senior Tutor, School of Creative Arts, University of Lincoln, Lincoln.

2020-               Senior Lecturer (FHEA) BA and MA Fine Art, Faculty of Performing and Fine Arts, University of Lincoln, Lincoln.

2019 - 2020    Programme Leader MA Fine Art, Faculty of Art, Design & Humanities, De Montfort University, Leicester.

2019 - 2020    Co-Programme Leader MA Digital Arts, Faculty of Art, Design & Humanities, De Montfort University.

2019 - 2020    Associate Lecturer BA Fine Art, Faculty of Performing and Fine Arts, University of Lincoln, Lincoln.

2014 - 2019    Senior Lecturer, Photography and Video Production, Faculty of Art, Design and Humanities, De Montfort University, Leicester.

2018 - 2019    Research Assistant, IOCT, Research Training Committee Fund, Practice Based Research Cookbook

2018.               Research Assistant, Faculty of Faculty of Education, De Montfort University, Leicester.

2018.               Research Assistant, VR Workshop with Dr Jethro Shell. Senior Lecturer in Games and Intelligent Systems

2016-2018      Higher Education Quality and Development Manager, Brooksby Melton College, Leics.

2016- 2017     Research Assistant, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, De Montfort University, Leics.

2012-2016      External Examiner, BA/BSc Media Arts, St Mary’s University College, London.

2011-2014      Higher Education Manager, Brooksby Melton College, Leicestershire.                

2010-2011      Programme Team Manager, Performing Arts & Media Dept, Brooksby Melton College (BMC).

2008-2010      Lecturer, BA (Hons) Performing Art and Digital Media, FDA Community Theatre, HND Media Moving Image, BMC.

2007-2008      Associate Lecturer, Fine Art, Photography, Film, Sculpture, Warwick University, Warks.

2007 -2009     Learning Mentor, Inclusion Trust, Anglia Polytechnic/UEA, Ultra Lab, Leicestershire.

2003 -2008     Lecturer, BA Photo Media, HND Media Moving Image, A-Level Media Studies, Croydon College, London.

1997 – 1998    Lecturer, Leicester University, Drawing, Painting, Photo-Media, Adult Education.

1995 – 1997    Teaching Assistant, The Slade School of Fine Art, Summer School, University College London (UCL)

Main lecturing activities 2003- 2021.

BA (Hons) Fine Art Lincoln University

HE4: The Fine Art Body

HE4: The Gallery

HE5: Public Project 1

HE6: Locating Practice

HE6: Critical Report Supervision

HE7: Critical Article Supervision

HE7. Research and Experimentation

BA Digital and Performing Arts DMU

HE4: Digital Performance 

HE4: Post Dramatic Performance Project 

HE6: Research Project

HE7: Digital Arts

BA Drama DMU

HE6: Research Project

BA Dance DMU

HE5: Dance for Screen

HE6: Dance for Screen

BA Photography and Media

HE4: Constructing the Moving Image

HE6: Critical Research

MA Digital Arts DMU

HE7: Mapping Digital Cultures

HE7: Major Project

MA Fine Art DMU

HE7: Professional Studies

HE7: Studio Practice

HE7: Major Project

BA (Hons) Performing Arts degree Brooksby Melton College (BMC), (validated by De Montfort University)

HE4: Devising 1 

HE5: Devising 2 (Module Leader 2010) 

HE5: Negotiated Study 

HE6: Company Performance

HE6: Negotiated Study 

HE6: Performance Research Project

HE6: Performance and Media (Module Leader since 2008)

Foundation Degree Community Theatre Brooksby Melton College (BMC), (validated by De Montfort University)

HE4: Creative Communications (Module Leader 2009)

HE4: Entrepreneurship and Enterprise (Module Leader 2009) 

BSc/BA Digital Film Production BMC (Validated by BMC/DMU/UOB/UEA) and Higher National Diploma in Media (Moving Image) 

HE4: Career Development (Module Leader 2010)

HE4: Lighting and Cinematography for Digital Film Production

HE4: Race, Gender and Representation

HE4: Screenwriting 

HE4: Post Production for Digital Film

HE4: Factual Project

HE4: Cinema History

HE4: Editing Techniques 

HE5: Directing for Digital Film Production

HE5: Fiction Project

HE5: Production Management for Digital Film Production

HE5: Professional Industry Project (Module Leader 2010)

HE6: Professional Industry Project

HE6: Freelance Business and Practice

Croydon HE (validated by Sussex University)

HE6: BA Hons Photo Media 

FE3: BTEC ND Media Moving Image

FE3: AS & A2 Fine Art

FE3: AS & A2 Media Studies

Leicester University, The Richard Attenborough Centre, The Slade School of Art, Warwick University Lecturer, Drawing, Painting, Photo-Media, Adult Education, Art Foundation Courses, Inclusion Trust, Anglia Polytechnic/UEA, Ultra Lab. Mentor for the programme, an online educational community. Work is set, produced and assessed in a virtual e-learning environment. Agencies such as the Science Museum and WWF (World Wildlife Fund) were involved in co-producing learning material.


2015-                 Media Production Manager: Magnificent Media based at the Phoenix Arts Centre, Leicester

                           Clients: Pulse Technologies. CCA Galleries: Artist, Peter Blake. Capsicum Technologies. Other Criterion: Artist, Damien Hirst.                                     Design Alliance: Three Mobile. De Montfort University: NHS, 

                           Birmingham Think Tank Museum.


2006-2017        Co-Director: Youniverse Digital Limited

                           Clients: The Young Vic Theatre. Fevered Sleep Theatre Company. Transworld Publishers: Jack Reacher, Terry Pratchett. Hodder                             & Stoughton: Paul Mckenna. BBC: Live at The Apollo, British Comedy Awards, Jack Dee, Matt Lucas. Channel 20-20. Verve. NHS.


2002-2003        Development Manager: Perspective Productions

                           Clients: The Discovery Channel, Factual Programming Development. Documentary Generation: 9/11 and are We Safe in the                                     Skies; two year-long productions.

                           Assistant Producer: BBC Outside Broadcast, Royal Albert Hall, London.  


1999 – 2002     Development Manager and Programme Producer: Channel 20-20

                          Main point of contact with broadcasters and corporations. Recruited and coordinated all production teams, producers, directors,                            researchers, crew and presenters. Financial planning and control. Team leadership of up to 30 staff. Clients: BSKYB, SKY ONE,                                .TV, ITV, CHANNEL 4, LIVING TV IKEA, INTEL, VERVE


1997 - 1999      CNN International and ARTV: Assistant Producer

                           Weekly production of The Art Club, CNN’s international weekly art show. Shot on  location internationally, shows include                                           Jerusalem, Hong Kong, Antwerp, Barcelona, and NYC.



2015-2019 Full fees & stipend scholarship DMU for my Ph.D. research equivalent to £28,000 per annum

2018 Exhibition funding award DMU (TETTT) Transformational Encounters: Touch, Traction, Transform.

2018 Conference Presentation Attendance Turin DMU

2016 Conference Presentation Attendance Rome DMU Global Award

2016 Conference Presentation Attendance Canterbury DMU

2015 Two Awards granted for Conference Paper Delivery TAPRA and University of Westminster

2015, 16 & 18 ESREA European Excellence in Research for papers given in Milan, Canterbury, Turin

1997 Margaret Pulsford Book Prize for first class dissertation award

1995 ERASMUS Scholarship for 6 month residency at the University of Helsinki, Finland

1996 The Sloane Square Award for artmaking

1995 Duveen Travel Scholarship for 6 week research trip to Mexico

1995 Mornington Prize for exhibition funding

1995 Maud and Foster award for exhibition funding



‘Tales of Transformational Encounter in Digital Arts Practice: Co-forming Connective Togetherness through Techno-Sensual Acts of Love’.

Chapter due for publication March 2019.

De Montfort University. Borderlines V1: Performing Across the Frontiers of Fear 2018

Fear of losing / dissolving a sense of self and / or of opening oneself up to another. Presenter.


De Montfort University, Leicester. May 2018. Institution of Creative Technologies. Practice Based-Research Conference Presentation, Tales of Transformational Encounter in Digital Arts Practice: Co-forming Connective Togetherness through Techno-Sensual Acts of Love.

Turin, Italy ESREA Conference, 2018, ‘Tales of Transformational Encounter in Digital Arts Practice: Co-forming Connective Togetherness through Techno-Sensual Acts of Love’. Presenter.

De Montfort University. Borderlines V: Falling, Standing, Performing. June 2017. Presenter.


Berlin, Transmediale ‘30 Years of Transmediale’, Festival February 2017. Delegate


LADA and Tanja Ostojić‘s Misplaced Women? Residency. Delegate and Performer. 2016.

Dapper Waterman's Arts Centre, Immersive Digital Performance Residency. Delegate and Presenter. 2016


Royal College of Art, London. September 2016. Gender Generation: The creative process in Art & Design. Conference Paper ‘Situating the Reciprocal’: Maternal Processes of Creative Transformation.’

De Montfort University, Leicester. July 2016. Institution of Creative Technologies. Practice Based-Research Conference Paper, ‘Welcome Home Love: Maternal Embodiments and Intimate Encounters: Towards Transformational Reciprocity Through Performative, Digital and Somatic Exchange’.

Rome Sapienza University. April 2016. Performative Presentation ‘Welcome Home Love: Maternal Embodiments and Intimate Encounters: Towards Transformational Reciprocity Through Performative Digital and Somatic Exchange.


Canterbury Christchurch University. ESREA Conference. March 2016. Life History and Biography Network. ‘‘Situating The Reciprocal’: Searching Transformational Encounter Through the Creative Narrativisation of Intimate Space’.


Publication: Point. forty: a Dialogic Artwork ‘Four women aged forty, powerful and vivid, passionate and connective. What do their stories reveal?’ In the book - ‘Stories that Make a Difference, exploring the collective, social and political potential of narratives in adult education research’, Edited by Laura Formenti and Linden West. Sage, UK, 2016.


Cultural Exchanges, DMU. March 2016. Seminar Presentation to Lois Keidan, director of the Live Art Agency ‘Off With Her Head: Embodied Transformations Of Intimate Space’.


University of Bicocca. Milan. Italy. ESREA Conference. March 2015. Life History and Biography Network. ‘Stories that make a difference’. Presented on ‘Point. Forty: A Dialogic Artwork, ‘Four Women Aged Forty, Powerful And Vivid, Passionate And Connective. What Do Their Stories Reveal?’


De Montfort University. Nov 2015.  Practice-based Research Conference. Presented on my Ph.D Research-based Practice.


Worchester University. TAPRA Conference. September 2015. Presenting a paper on ‘Performative Encounters: the Medicinal Affect of Social-Technological Touch Performance and Science Working Group. Showcasing my practice-based research piece ‘Point. Forty. Four women passionate and creative, what do their stories reveal?’.


University of Westminster and Brunel University. TRACES Conference. June 2015. Joint Symposium. Presented a paper on, ‘The social-technological traces of touch, reaching through the performative art work ‘Point. forty’.


De Montfort University. June 2014.  Intermediality and Performance Conference. Presented on my forthcoming Ph.D Research as Practice.


Professional activities:


Memberships of: TAPRA, UCU, TATE, RA, SCUDD, JISC


Peer Review (RASO) Art History Programming at the Slovenian Third Age University


Psychosynthesis Leadership and Coaching Conference 2018


Fundamentals of Psychosynthesis Four-Day foundational course in Psychosynthesis Leadership and Coaching 2018


REF Research Impact Training Day, DMU June 2018


Narrativ Two-day listening and personal storytelling masterclass workshop Jerwood Space London April 2017


UEA – Teaching and Learning Conference Sept 2017


The Invitation. Bodymind Somatics: How to manifest the fullness of your potential for intimacy. Mike Lousada and Dr Louise Mazanti, 2016


UEA – Partnerships Conference – May 2016


De Montfort University. Dapper Digital Arts Performance Practice – Emerging Research. Doctoral Researcher Principle and Founding Member. 2016 cont.


De Montfort University. University Research & Innovation Committee. P.hD. Research Representative. Academic Year 2015-2016 and 2018


De Montfort University. Art Design Humanities Faculty Research Committee. P.hD. Research Representative. Academic Year 2015-cont.


Narrativ One-day listening and personal storytelling workshop Jerwood Space London 2016


De Montfort University. Launching the Peter Whitehead Archive. Cinema and Television History (CATH) Research Centre Beyond the Borders of Dissonance: Conference co-organiser. June 2016.


De Montfort University. Feminism and Gender in the Social Sciences. School of Applied Social Sciences Symposium. June 2016. Delegate.


De Montfort University. Boundaries: Resisting, Persisting, Performing. Ph.D. Co-Conference Organiser. June 2016. Organiser and Delegate.


Phoenix Cinema and Arts Centre in Leicester, UK 'Doing Women's Film and Television History III: Structures of Feeling' conference. May 2016. Delegate.


De Montfort University (DMU). Writers Retreat. July 2015. 1-day immersion. Delegate.


DMU Square Mile and DMU Global. 2015 – on going. Staff-student volunteer.


Feminine Mastery July – Dec 2015. Weekly over 25 weeks - intensive web-seminar course. Delegate.


York St John University. Love Arts Conference. July 2015. Delegate.


De Montfort University. Boundaries: Trangression, Authority, Performance Conference. June 2015. Delegate.


De Montfort University. Centre and Television History (CATH) Conference. June 2015. Delegate.


Southbank University. Motherhood and Creativity Conference. June 2015. Delegate.


Daily Life Ltd Conference. The Expert View. June 2015. London. Delegate.


De Montfort University. QAA Research Student Panel Representative for Art, Design and Humanities for the May 2015 HER


De Montfort University. PG CWWN. April 2015. Conference Delegate.


University of Cambridge. Whither Political Conference. Oct 2015. Delegate.


De Montfort University. Pop Up Play Symposium. July 2014. Delegate.


Royal Holloway University. TAPRA Conference. Sept 2014. Performance and Technologies Working Group. Delegate.


Passion and Intimacy Summit. Aug 2014. 5-day web-seminar event. Delegate.


Awakening Your Shakti Course July & August  2014. Weekly intensive web-seminar course. Delegate.


Shakti Summit. June 2014. 5-day web-seminar event. Delegate.


Feminine Fulfilment Course June & July 2014. Weekly intensive web-seminar course. Delegate.


Inspiring Women’s Summit. May 2014. 5-day web-seminar event. Delegate.


De Montfort University. Crossing Borders Conference. June 2014. Delegate.


London Higher Education Conference June 2014. Delegate.


University of Bolton, Collaborative Partnerships Conference. June 2013. Delegate.


QAA HER Training, Gloucester 2013. Delegate.


QAA HER Training, Birmingham 2013. Delegate.


EMFEC – Regional Member and College Representative. 2011 – 2014.


University of Bolton, Teaching and Learning Conference. June 2012. Delegate.


The Arvon Foundation. May 2011. Week Residential Course, ‘Playwriting’ with Ola Animashawun and Laura Wade. Delegate.


CAPITAL Centre Warwick University, conference on creativity and performance in teaching and learning, 2-day conference and workshop. June 2010. Delegate.


De Montfort University. Teaching HE in FE, one-day collaborative partnerships workshop. June 2010. Delegate.


London Metropolitan University/IATE. Arts in Education Conference and experiential day with Dr Kenneth Pickering. May 2010. Delegate.


St Mary’s University College. Validation panel member for the Media Arts Degrees. June 2007.


The Arvon Foundation. Week Residential Course, ‘Starting to Write a Novel’ with Emma Donaghue. May 1998. Delegate.


Wandsworth FE College, 16mm film course, London 1996. Delegate.


Four Corners film Workshop. 8mm film course, London , 1996. Delegate.


Matts Gallery. Art Invigilator London for Robin Klassnik 1995. Delegate.


Art Angel, Art Invigilator. London for Laurie Anderson and Brian Eno, Self Storage 1995


Action Space. Artist in Residence, London 1995





LCB Depot                                                                           Personal Weather 2018


TETTT                                                                                  The Gallery, De Montfort University 2018


Point. Forty                                                                         University of Bicocca. Milan. 2016


Point. Forty                                                                         Leicester Media School Launch Nov 2014


Point. Forty                                                                         Solo interactive 12 screen digital performance, Phoenix Cube Gallery, Leicester, Jan 2014


Blood Light                                                                         Solo show, multimedia performance, De Montfort University 2012


We’ll nice you up                                                                Group show, Cleveland Gallery, London 1997


They’re getting off, they’re not getting on                       Solo show, multimedia installation, The Slade School of Art, London 1997


Displaced rituals                                                                Solo show, multimedia installation, The Slade School of Art, London 1997


To hear, to see, to speak                                                   Group collaborative show, between The Slade School of Art, Central St Martins College and Dartington Collage 1997


Knit-unravel-knit                                           Solo, two day live performance, Performanssi International festival of performance art, Finland 1996


face to face                                                     Solo show, public performance installation, The Duveen Gallery, The Slade School of Art, London 1995


exposure                                                         Group show, Part of chain letter a viral group show, 1995


rituals                                                              Solo show, text and photographic works made in Mexico The Duveen Gallery, The Slade School of Art, 

                                                                         London 1994


Disclosure                                                       Group show, Hoxton Square, London, 1994                    




My two frames of reference                         16mm film screening (20mins) The Tramway Glasgow, 1997                                                                                           

Touched Found Kissed                                  Screening 16mm New Works Festival, Phoenix Arts, Leicester, collaboration with musicians   

                                                                         Craig Vear and Jonathan Eato 1996


Moving Still                                                     Screening 8mm Animation Viva 8 Festival London Filmmakers Coop (and) The Lumiere Festival                                                                                     London 1996


Alice Tuppen-Corps
Based in Leicester, UK
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